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HOWTO Channel Demos

Demo: iPhone Like Experience

Like the iPhone, allow user to choose applications to install and configure.

Steps to Setup this Demo

  • Boot device
  • Skip -- Let's connect to the company network
  • Skip -- Use the one-time password to onboard this device?
  • Obtain IGEL OS 12 Evaluation License -- Are you implementing as IGEL solution for your company? (This is 90 a day day evaluation license)
  • Reboot
  • Open the App Portal and install applications

Using igelpkgctl command line

  • Options for igelpkgctl

  • Open a Terminal Window as root (add terminal session from setup)

  • List packages to install:

igelpkgctl list
  • Update to latest version of IGEL OS
igelpkgctl install base_system
  • Install lastest AVD client:
igelpkgctl install avd
  • Open Setup to add a AVD session: Ctrl+Alt+S

  • Install lastest Chromium client:

igelpkgctl install chromium
  • Open Setup to add a Chromium session: Ctrl+Alt+S

  • Uninstall AVD:

echo "Y" | igelpkgctl uninstall avd

How to reset a device

Run the following command as root in terminal window:

delete_igel_licenses ALL && reset_to_defaults && reboot

Direct Boot to Microsoft AVD with IGEL OS in 33 seconds

Rapid Onboarding with IGEL OS and Azure Virtual Desktop

Installing the ZOOM desktop application on IGEL OS

Installing ControlUp EDGE DX onto IGEL


IGEL OS 12 FastOnboarding with Citrix

How to onboard an IGEL UD Pocket with OS 12 without a UMS in place?

How to IGEL OS 12 + Microsoft EntraID + Microsoft EDGE + Fido2 + YubiKey

Demonstrates using a YubiKey with Fido2 authentication and EntraID as identity provider to log into Microsoft Office Apps.

How to Microsoft Intune on IGEL – Entra Conditional Access with IGEL OS 12 to control access to Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365

  • IGEL OS 12 with Intune App provides conditional access to Azure Virtual Desktop and Windows 365
  • Additional details can be found on this Blog Post