HOWTO CUPs Printing
18 December 2024 - 11.10.210 and derived builds have CUPS start up issue
11.10.210 and derived builds have a starting problem with the CUPS printing service. Only PB 11.10.219 has currently a fix for it.
Work-around by adding this line in System > Registry > Custom Commands > Desktop > Final Desktop Commands:
USB attached printers - Use PPD file
If printer is not network attached, then follow IGEL note on setting up CUPs printer with USB connection with PPD file.
Methods to obtain PPD file for printer
- Download PPD from vendor web site and edit PPD file to remove / comment out the *cupsFilter: line by adding "%" after the "*"
- Connect printer to the network and create PPD file from IGEL OS.
| driverless ipp://IP-address-of-printer/ipp/print | sed -e '/IP-address-of-printer/d' -e 's/drvless/printer-name/' > /tmp/printer-name.PPD
FInd the name of the driver for your printer model that has 1536 in name
| lpinfo --make-and-model '1536' -m
USB always on (Printer, Scanner, etc.)
System > Firmware Customization > Custom Commands > Desktop
| echo on | tee /sys/bus/usb/devices/*/power/level > /dev/null
Add USB attached Printer
| #!/bin/bash
USBDEVICE=$(/usr/lib/cups/backend/usb 2>/dev/null | cut -d " " -f 2)
lpadmin -p USBPRINTER -E -v "${USBDEVICE}" -m /wfs/USBPRINTER.ppd
How to query paper size and set default paper size
Determine default paper size
| driverless ipp://IP-ADDRESS-of-PRINTER/ipp/print | grep -i paperdimension
Output from query:
16 | *DefaultPaperDimension: Letter
*PaperDimension 215x345mm: "609.448818897638 977.952755905512"
*PaperDimension 3x5: "216 360"
*PaperDimension A4: "595.275590551181 841.889763779528"
*PaperDimension A5: "419.527559055118 595.275590551181"
*PaperDimension A6: "297.637795275591 419.527559055118"
*PaperDimension Env10: "296.985826771654 684"
*PaperDimension EnvC5: "459.212598425197 649.133858267717"
*PaperDimension EnvDL: "311.811023622047 623.622047244094"
*PaperDimension EnvMonarch: "278.985826771654 540"
*PaperDimension Executive: "522 756"
*PaperDimension FanFoldGermanLegal: "612 936"
*PaperDimension ISOB5: "498.897637795276 708.661417322835"
*PaperDimension Legal: "612 1008"
*PaperDimension Letter: "612 792"
*PaperDimension Oficio: "612 964.8"
Registry key to change settings
IGEL OS registry key print.cups.printer%.lpoptions:
The expected format is like so:
-o InputSlot=Tray3 -o HPOption_Tray3=HP550SheetInputTray -o OutputBin=FrontBin -o DefaultPaperDimension=Legal
To test by using use the browser's print dialog (and choose the systems dialog).
Add Network attached Printer
- Query printer to confirm communication
| driverless ipp://ip_address_of_printer/ipp/print
| lpadmin -p wifiprinter1 -E -v ipp://ip_address_of_printer/ipp/print -m everywhere && lpoptions -d wifiprinter1
| lpoptions -d wifiprinter1
CUPs Printer Admin
- Open browser and connect to:
| http://localhost:631/printers
Add Driver files to /wfs/ppd folder
Add CUPS Drivers to /wfs/ppd/
folder and this folder will be linked into the CUPS folder. Drivers will be available after a 2nd reboot or after restarting CUPS.