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Cheatsheet IGEL Community

Common Boot Keys

Vendor Boot Key
Dell F12
Dynabook F2
LG F10
Lenovo Fn+F12
Microsoft Steps to setup

IGELOS Keybindings

keybinding OS 11 OS 12 description
Ctrl+Alt+Tab Switch active window
Tab+Tab Show commands
Ctrl+Alt+F10 Terminal log screen
Ctrl+Alt+F11 terminal 1
Ctrl+Alt+F12 terminal 2
Ctrl+Alt+S Access IGEL setup

Cheat sheet for a UNIX/Linux command

Open the following link and type in command to get examples of usage - Cheat Sheet

Linux General

command OS 11 OS 12 description
cat display the content of a file
cd change folder
chmod change file attributes
comm compare two sorted files line by line
compgen list all the linux commands
conky a system monitor
cp copy files and folders
date date tool
dig DNS lookup utility
echo output strings
find search for files in a directory hierarchy
grep search for regular expression
kill kill a running task by process id
killall kill a running task by name
less less is more and allows backward movement in the file as well as forward movement
lpc Printer control tool
lpq Show current print jobs
lpr Print a file
lprm Delete a print job
lpstat Show finished print jobs
ls show directory content
lshw list hardware
mkdir create a folder
more display the content of a file page by page
mount mount a partition
openssl OpenSSL command line tool
ps show running tasks
pwd print working directory
rm delete a file
rmdir delete a folder
sleep wait
su change to root
systemctl service handler
tee read from standard input and write to standard output and files
top task monitor
touch create a file
tr translates, deletes, and squeezes characters
uname show linux details
user_reboot reboot the system
user_shutdown shutdown the system
vi texteditor
watch repeat periodic a command
wget non-interactive network downloader
which locate command
wmctrl interact with X window manager
xdotool command-line X11 automation tool
xev xmodmap Find and Disable a key
xinput utility to configure and test X input devices
xset user preference utility for X
zenity display dialog window, and return (either in the return code, or on standard output) the users input

IGELOS General

command OS 11 OS 12 description
apparmor_status Lists all services protected by apparmor
applauncher Starts the application launcher
chromium-browser Start Chromium Browser
curl Check for trusted certificate or download files
custompart Delete/Create a custom partition
delinstance Delete a session or instance
df -h Shows Partition usage
florence OnScreen Keyboard
get Get Variable from registry
get_unit_id Get the Unit ID
getmyip show device IP
gpicview Starts an Picture Viewer
icaconncenter ICA Connection Center
igel_buddy_update_server_scan Search for Buddy Masters in network
igel_display_switcher Start the new Display Switcher
igel_firstboot_wizard Starts the First Boot Wizard
igel_gamma TOCHECK Should influence the brightness
journalctl -f Sys logs anzeigen und folgen.
killwait_postsetupd reset and applay setup changes set by "setparam"
kinit Active Directory login
klist Display kerberos tickets
list List a part of the registry
load_usbconfig Load config from USB Storage
newinstance Create a session or instance
nmcli radio wifi off Disables Wifi, On enables it
notify-send-message Display GUI Text Message
numinstances Show next available instance nr.
opensc-tool Lists opensc smartcard informations and tools
pkcs11getloginname Shows extracted smart card login name
reset_to_defaults Factory reset
resetvalue_tree Reset all settings under each of the registry classes back to default
setcryptparam Saves encrypted Data like Password to IGEL Registry
setparam Write variable to registry
setup Start IGEL Setup
setup-assistant Start IGEL Setup (start as user)
show_usbconfig List configs from USB Storage
start-wireless-manager Starts the Wireless cafe menu (start as user)
store_usbconfig Write config to USB Storage
superclasses List all available superclasses
systemd-resolve --flush-caches Flush DNS cache
update Start firmware update
user_reboot Reboot as user
user_shutdown Shutdown as User
vdm_client0 Start VMware Horizon client
vget Get specification for a variable
write_rmsettings Write local setup changes back to UMS.
xrandr Controls the Screens from command line

IGELOS UMS & ICG Communication Commands

command OS 11 OS 12 description
get_icg_info Get ICG connection information
get_rmsettings Get UMS config (reboot to apply)
icg-config IGEL Cloud Gateway config; with url and mass deployment key
icg-setup Start the ICG GUI Setup or with parameters the CLI
rmagent_cli UMS Agent commandline
rmagent-devattrs-enum Lists all device attributes including the current value for this device. The enumeration is ordered according to the attribute's order id.
rmagent-devattrs-enum-range Enumerates entries of the given range. The enumeration is ordered according to the range item's order id.
rmagent-devattrs-get-type Prints the type of the given attribute
rmagent-devattrs-get Prints the current value of the given attribute
rmagent-devattrs-set Sets the given attribute to the specified value
rmagent-devattrs-reset Resets the given attribute to an empty value
rmagent-devattrs-sync Send Attributes to UMS If a Value Has Been Changed by Device
rmagent-write-device-attributes The complete set of attributes is sent to the UMS
rmagent-push-device-attributes The complete set of attributes is sent to the UMS
rmregister Start tool to register @ UMS
rmagent-check-reenroll Check the validity of the device’s certificate and reenroll a new one if the specified number of days are left before expiring date or the certificate is already expired
rmagent-connect Connects to the UMS where the device is registered
rmagent-disconnect Disconnect an established connection
rmagent-enroll Enroll
rmagent-jobs Jobs
rmagent-manage-apps Apps
rmagent-merge-settings Merge settings
rmagent-obs-enroll OBS enroll
rmagent-pull-appauthtoken Pull appauthtoken
rmagent-pull-file Pull file
rmagent-pull-settings Get the latest settings from UMS
rmagent-push-appstatus Push appstatus
rmagent-push-runtime Push the current runtime information to UMS
rmagent-push-settings Push the current settings to UMS
rmagent-push-sysinfo Push the current system information to UMS
rmagent-register Register
rmagent-register-app Registers a specific app from the device in UMS
rmagent-set-job-state Set job state
rmagent-set-structure-tag Set structure tag
rmagent-setupd-event Set event
rmagent-setupd-event-reset Reset event
rmagent-setupd-event-wait Wait event
rmagent-state Retrieve the current state of the rmagent
rmagent-trust-get-zero Trust get
rmagent-trust-put Trust put
rmagent-trust-reset Trust reset
rmagent-ums-enroll UMS enroll
rmagent-update-device-info Send the essential device’s information to the UMS and receive the latest settings and assigned objects
rmagent-ws-tunnel WS Tunnel
ums_available Check available UMS Server

IGELOS Networking

command OS 11 OS 12 description
/lib/systemd/system/NetworkManager.service manage network service
ethtool tool for ethernet configuration
ftp start the FTP client
getmyhwaddr show current MAC
getmyip show current IP address
hostname display current hostname
ifconfig show/manage ethernet configuration
iptables firewall configuration
iwconfig configure a wireless network interface
iwevent display wireless events
iwgetid report ESSID, NWID or AP/Cell Address of wireless network
iwlist display some additional information from a wireless network interface that is not displayed by iwconfig
iwspy get wireless statistics from specific nodes
nc arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens (OS 12 - debugtools app)
netstat display open connections
nmcli manage network connections via cli
ping test the reachability of a host
probeport test network port on a host
/proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_local_port_range UDP high port range
route display/config network routes

IGELOS Hardware

command OS 11 OS 12 description
/etc/init.d/pcscd Stop / Start Smart Card PCSC Daemon
amixer Audio configuration tool
aplay Audio device tool
dmidecode DMI (SMBIOS) table decoder
free Show memory details
get-edid Display DDC details
hardinfo Display Hardware Info's
lsblk list block devices (file systems)
lspci List PCI devices
lsusb list USB devices
opensc-explorer Show available Smart Cardeaders
opensc-tool Commandline Smart Card Tool
pcsclistreaders List Smart Card readers
rtcwake Automatic restart/supend
saned SANE Daemon
setserial Setup/Diagnostic for RS232
speaker-test Speaker test
x11config Show display config

IGELOS Folders

folder OS 11 OS 12 description
/license/dsa/licenses device licenses
/media Removable Storage
/services License related services
/userhome/.ICAClient/logs ICA Client logs
/usr/share/icons Contains Icons of Linux and Igel
/var/logs Various log files
/wfs Configurations / Certs


file OS 11 OS 12 description
/config/sessions Generated sessions
/etc/os-release Details on IGEL OS version
/tmp/wpa_debug.all Network debug log
/wfs/dhclient-*.lease dhcp client lease; DHCP Option 224 + 226
/wfs/group.ini Configuration from UMS
/wfs/server.crt UMS Server certificate
/wfs/setup.ini Local configuration

IGELOS Registry

Path OS 11 OS 12 description
network.interfaces.wirelesslan.device0.wpa.debug wifi debug


IGELOS 12 Packages - igelpkgctl

igelpkgctl is the command line tool to control the igelpkgd. For applications, it allows for:

  • listing of installed
  • installing
  • updating
  • removing

The available APPs are fetched from the configured remote repositories.

command description
igelpkgctl --help Help on usage
igelpkgctl list installed List installed applications
igelpkgctl list available List available applications
igelpkgctl install app_name Install application from APP Portal
igelpkgctl install -f path_to_app.ipkg Install application from file
igelpkgctl uninstall app_name Uninstall application

IGELOS 12 Licensing

command description
journalctl -u igel-dsad The license status is reported in the journal
licensestatus Show current license status
licenseauthtoken Show auth token embedded in the license (usually in evaluation license)
install_igel_license license file Manually install a license file
delete_igel_licenses service id Manually remove a license of a type. For example, SUB_SERVICE_SET_WORKSPACE_EDITION
delete_igel_licenses ALL Delete all licenses